Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi and Stage Bugs Production presented ‘Hotel Jaan-e-Jaan,’ a comedic theatrical play recently. The audiences enjoyed the humour and farcical antics of...
By Wajiha Farooq Imagine a tiny island surrounded by a big, blue ocean!Known as the jewel in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is a land of...
The Pakistani movie Taxali Gate premiere was shown in Pakistan, the UK, and Canada, recently. The film’s narrative, centered around the themes of consent and injustice....
Chief Guest Seema Taher Khan, CEO, TV One and Guest Of Honour Hareem Malik, Champion Swimmer headlined the LADIESFUND Power Lunch at a renowned club. This...
The Floral Art Society Pakistan, Gardenia Chapter brought laurels to Pakistan by winning the majority prizes, internationally, in Oman recently. A WAFA event known as Bloom...
By Shanaz Ramzi When my husband and I were planning a trip to the US, we roped in some of our friends to agree to meet...
A Proud Moment Duraid Qureshi, CEO, HUM Network received the prestigious Sitara-e-Imtiaz award from the President of Pakistan on March 23, 2024. He is a prominent...