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Beauty Hacks

Beauty Hacks



The Turmeric Remedies


Turmeric is known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Take turmeric and mint juice and make a paste. Apply this on the affected area and leave it on for about 20 minutes until it dries completely and then wash.

Dark Underarms

Add one tbsp of honey and 3-4 tbsp of lemon juice, mix well with 2-3 pinches of turmeric powder. Apply it on your underarm area for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off. Try this remedy daily to get rid of dark underarm area.

Clear Bright Skin

Mix ½ tbsp of turmeric powder, 1 tbsp. of rose water, 2 tbsp of milk cream and blend it well. Apply on face and leave for 1-2 hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water when it dries.

Dark Circles

Mix turmeric with yogurt and honey and blend into thin paste. Apply it under your eyes with a brush or cotton swab, gently. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. It may stain your skin for a little while, so it’s better to use this mask at night.

White Teeth

Wet your toothbrush and apply some turmeric powder on it. Brush teeth as normal and allow the turmeric to sit on your teeth for 3 -5 minutes. Rinse        mouth thoroughly, then follow with a second brushing using your regular toothpaste.

Facial Hair Removal

Prepare a salt solution by adding 3 tbsp of salt to half cup of water. In another bowl add 5-6 spoons of cold milk, 3 spoons of turmeric powder and add the salt solution. Stir the mixture well to form a smooth paste. Add more turmeric if the mixture is runny. Apply turmeric paste on the area of unwanted facial hair in circular motion for 5 to 10 minutes and allow the paste to dry. Wash with warm water. Repeat the procedure for many days to remove the unwanted facial hair permanently.


Mix olive oil with turmeric and apply it on the scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash with shampoo.

Acne Cure

Mix a pinch pf cinnamon and turmeric with aloe vera gel and use it as a mask or spot treatment for your acne as well as exfoliating dead skin.

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Beauty Hacks

Beauty Hacks: Onion



While onions can be rather pungent, they are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fibres, flavonoids and phytochemicals and thus have many hidden beauty benefits. Being easily available they can instantly become a part of your beauty regime. Listed below are few of the many beauty benefits of onions.

Stimulates Hair Growth

Massaging onion juice for at least 15 minutes on the scalp twice a week is one of the best ways to quicken hair growth. The sulfur content in raw onions is extremely high. Proteins, in particular keratin, are sulfur rich and absolutely essential for growing strong hair. In addition to this, the antioxidants like vitamin C present in onions prevent our hair and scalp from environmental damage.

Removes Acne Scars

Onion juice extract has antiseptic quality that helps reduce inflammation and discoloration, helping our body to fight skin infections. This is especially beneficial for treating acne scars on the face which are more noticeable when the scarred area is inflamed.

Fights Signs of Aging

Onions are the best source of quercetin, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants and nutrients for the skin. They are also an excellent source of antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. These antioxidants play an important role in fighting the free radicals in our body, stabilize them and prevent them from causing oxidative damage to our skin cells. By doing so, they not only reduce the risk of skin cancer (and other types of cancer) but also reduce the risk of premature aging like fine lines, wrinkles, age spot, dark spots and skin blemishes which are caused by harsh UV rays along with many other reasons.

Helps Cure Dandruff

Along with its other benefits, onion juice also aids in controlling dandruff problems. Just apply onion juice on your scalp and leave it for at least half an hour and then shampoo your hair. You can also mix onion juice with its peels and a scoop of yogurt to make a paste which not only cures dandruff but also provides nourishment to your hair.

Exfoliates the Skin

Another important beauty benefit of onion is its ability to act as a natural scrub. The antioxidants such as vitamin E and vitamin C present in onions fight with the free radicals of our body, stabilize them and prevent them from causing oxidative damage to our skin cells. In addition to the antioxidants, a number of other nutrients like vitamins and minerals present in onions, also play an important role in keeping our skin healthy as they provide nourishment to our skin. 

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Beauty Hacks

Anti Aging Treatments



Anti Aging Treatments Before you empty your pockets to buy those lotions and potions aimed to minimize wrinkles sagging, open you refrigerator – you probably have many of the ingredients you need to whip up your own anti-aging masks scrubs and creams at home.

Apply chia honey scrub

chia seeds offer huge rewards when it comes to skin care. This mask uses antioxidant-loaded seeds as a gentle exfoliate along with the deep – cleansing power of honey and brightening properties of green apples. Chop ½ cup of green apples and add 2 tbsp of chia seeds as well as 2 tbsp of honey in the mixture. Blend the ingredients and puree- until smooth, adding a little water if necessary. Allow the mixture to sit for 5 minutes before applying it on dry skin. Massage in a slow, circular motion before rinsing it with lukewarm water. Follow with toner.

Cucumber aloe cold cream

with age your skin tends to get drier and duller), but this super-hydrating cream can keep it looking radiant with hydrating ales Vera, brightening fresh lemon, and yogurts exfoliating lactic acid. Chop ¼4 cup of cucumber as well as peel and chop ¼ cup of aloe. Mix them with ½/ cup of plain yogurt and then add juice of half a lemon. Puree the ingredients in a blender and then pour through a strainer into a separate bowl. Refrigerate the mixture overnight. Apply a thick layer of the thickened yogurt mixture to your face and leave it on for up to 30 minutes. Remove the mask with a moistened washcloth and follow with toner.

Rice milk cleanser

Rice is rich in vitamin E and is a traditional ingredient in Japanese skincare. It helps exfoliate and smooth skin. Even though this cleanser can easily be made with plain water, using rice milk is a better choice. Mix ¼ of brown rice flour with 2-3 tbsp of unsweetened organic rice milk to form a smooth paste. Then massage the mixture onto the skin in a slow, circular motion before rinsing with lukewarm water. Follow with moisturizer and toner. 


Blueberry granola exfoliating mask

Antioxidant-rich blueberries and raw almonds are packed with essential fatty acids and vitamin E, while whole oats when added in this scrub give it anti-inflammatory properties. Fresh milk and honey are added to help cleanse and brighten skin. Mix ¼ cup of fresh organic blueberries and ¼ cup of raw almonds with 2 tbsp whole oats, 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp organic milk. Blend the ingredients and puree until smooth, adding additional milk if necessary. Apply to moistened skin and let it dry for 20 minutes. Gently massage the mixture in a slow, circular motion until it starts crumbling away. Rinse with lukewarm water and then follow with toner.

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Beauty Hacks

Apple Cider Vinegar




Photo: Shutterstock

Every few months there’s a new “must-have product or ingredient, and lately apple cider vinegar has been garnering a lot of interest in the beauty department. We know it’s a solid ingredient when it comes to our food and is a staple in our kitchen cabinets, but now we want to make it a staple in our bathroom counters too!

Apple cider vinegar has several health and beauty-boosting benefits and remedies. Here are a few reasons you should try it:

It cures a dry scalp

summer is here and we all want our hair to look healthy, shiny and clean. If you are experiencing an itchy scalp or have a sudden outbreak of dandruff, apple cider vinegar is your solution. Just combine two ounces of ACV to equal parts water and apply it to your scalp. The acidity in the product aids in eliminating the dryness of your scalp, as well as getting rid of germs and flakes of dandruff. You can also rinse your hair with it to restore its shine.

Treats blemishes

ACV can also actually be used as a great toner, and can additionally help you get rid of blemishes. The summer sun can be harsh on the skin, and if you aren’t drinking enough water you might just have annoying pimples popping up on your face. To get rid of these pesky pimples, mix some ACV with water, apply it on a cotton pad (as you would with a toner) and smooth it all over your face. It will clean out the bacteria, dirt, oil and even any make up that may be leftover from your cleanser!

Eliminates bad breath

Who wants a smelly mouth? No one! And with all the summer soirees on your agenda, you want to look your best and be able to converse with people without leaving a bad stench. To get rid of bad breath, put one teaspoon of ACV in a cup of water and gargle with this mixture for a few seconds. ACV will help remove the plaque in your mouth, which is basically one of the main sources of a foul smelling mouth.

Whitens Teeth

We all love a little laugh and love to pose for the camera too – but with a great, big, clean smile. Rather than spending a nerve-wracking visit at your dentist’s clinic (unless of course you absolutely need to), give ACV a try to help you with a home-based teeth whitening technique. Gargle a mixture of ACV with water to kill the bacteria in your mouth, gums and teeth, and to also remove the stains from your teeth. Then you can go about flashing your pearly whites!

Effective Face Scrub

Clear skin for the win – always! Clearly ACV is an all-rounder ingredient and will also make your skin look healthy as well as fight the blemishes. For the perfect DIY face scrub, mix equal parts honey, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar in a bowl and use it as a face scrub. It will help to peel off the dead skin, making your face look refreshed, healthy and bright!

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